The guy who used to pitch for Texas, not the outfielder for Arizona…
Anyway, I have him on one of my fantasy teams, and decided to look up his status. If you don’t remember, he was hit in the face by a batted ball not too long ago, and this is what I found:
May 30 Young has a small crack in his skull and doctors have to wait for it to heal in order to avoid an infection in his brain, according to Padres manager Bud Black in the San Diego Union-Tribune.
Advice: Young is also still waiting for the swelling to go down around his nose after being hit in the face with a line drive on May 21. This could take some time for Young to get back on the field, so continue to monitor the developments.
This doesn’t sound good at all. My prayers go out to him (none of this “Good Thoughts” crap I see online – they’re prayers, people!). May God heal him sooner than later.
Thank you for the update — I have had him in my thoughts and prayers since the day that I saw it happen on the news.