You know, I’ve been thinking. It’s a lot of work collecting and putting together all the line scores, box scores, etc that I’ve put together for all the games over time. I’m thinking of dropping that stuff, and just concentrating on my reports only for the games.
Since the birth of my daughter, and especially now that she’s become a lot more mobile, there’s a lot more things pressing on my time. Collecting all that stuff takes a bunch of time to put together, and after thinking about it, I’m thinking that I don’t want to spend all that time daily. My work is about to get a whole lot busier, as the company I work for is about to have a major release, so I won’t have that free time. Putting all these things together has kind of made me feel like I don’t have to go “Oh jeez, I need to set aside 20 minutes to half an hour to gather it all”. The amount of time saved will be helpful. Plus with a weight off my shoulders, I will feel more like writing, which is something I’ve enjoyed the last few days when I’ve written at home from my (new) laptop.
I definitely will not stop doing the site – I still like writing, so hopefully I’ll be more inspired to do so on a regular basis with this new site alignment I’ve been thinking about the last few days.
I know I don’t generally get a lot of feedback to questions like this from folks, but I really would appreciate you saying something about this, as it would be a major change in what I do on my site. Thanks.
UPDATE SAT AFTERNOON: After sleeping on it, and giving it some thought I’ve decided that I’m going to go this route, for the reasons stated above. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to stop doing the site, but I thought about how much time it was taking me, and decided that at this point in my life it’s better if I don’t devote as much time gathering info I can just link to. Speaking of linking, I’ve decided to keep one part of the old stuff. For game recaps, I will be linking to the recap page. That gives you the box score, as well as a story and game notes from each team. Underneath my commentary, you’ll see a link that says Game recap on That’s the link. It’s pretty unobtrusive, and requires me just to get a link – something I always look at anyway, so it’s no extra work.
Any further thoughts can be added via the comments section here. Thanks for visiting!
I actually just found your site this spring and love it. You should know that I like hearing other fans’ opinions more than the other reports. The only thing that I would miss would be the pictures from the games. Don’t know how long those take, but it is nice to see pictures from each game in one convenient place. If that still takes a while, I won’t complain as the game opinions are obviously more important.
Don’t blame you Joe. I like the idea of this being a “Ranger’s Blog.” Wouldn’t even need the forum if you felt like dropping it.
I’ll probably still collect the pictures, though. You can get to them via the pictures link in the menu. Look on Page 2.
I’ve been visiting your site daily during baseball season (and at least once a week during the 4 months of baseball-less days)for several years, and I would miss ANYTHING that you stop posting. Whatever you discontinue, I know that I would miss, but I do understand that you have a life outside of baseball. Do what you feel that you have to do — I will still keep visiting !!!
I like the idea of just making this a blog, Joe, but don’t stop taking pictures!
Nah, I’m a picture hound. I’ll always take pictures, but now that I’ve taken so many for so many years, it’s getting harder to get exciteds about taking the same pictures at the park. :)
i agree…blog+pics and i’m happy
So, no more forum..? I like the game recaps and the pics and everything, but I joined this site for the community… I can find a blog anywhere…
Sorry… somehow I ended up on a page where the sidebar was missing… so it looked like there wasn’t a forum any more…
please disregard the previous msg… :)
Actually, I had accidentally removed the menu from the main page. It’s back now. :)
Test. I moved the database code this afternoon, need to make sure Typekey logins still work right.
Can’t blame you for cutting back on the website. If anyone needs box scores, etc., they are easily found elsewhere. I won’t miss them here, but I do enjoy your take on the games and the “feel” of the Rangers direction as the seasons move along. Keep up the good work. Thanks.