My wife and I were at this game in Baltimore. We decided to take a vacation together, and we had never seen the Baltimore Inner Harbor, so we decided to plan a trip around when the Rangers were there. I know it’s kinda geeky, but hey, it’s something cool to do for a Rangers fan. :)
What was cool was that where we were sitting there was at least two other groups of Ranger fans. A family of four from Carrolton, and some people behind us who I think were from The Colony. It was quite cool having around 12 Ranger fans there, and we could shout for the Rangers – that was quite cool. What was not cool was the ballpark. It was friggin hot! I had forgotten what humidity outside the state of Texas was like. Yikes! My wife and I also met the author of a baseball book in one of the resturants before the game started. The book is called “Minor Players, Major Dreams”. I’ve ordered it from Amazon, so I hope to have some commentary up on it before too long.
It was cool that we won the game, but to tell you the truth, I was paying more attention to the Ballpark itself – I tend to do that when I’m in a place I’ve never been before. I’ll have my full report on Baltimore’s stadium up shortly.